Monday, May 10, 2010

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...just stay the hell out of Arizona!"

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." - 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

It has taken me awhile, but I decided to throw my two cents in about the immigration law in Arizona. First, let me say this, I firmly believe that America is strong because of the diversity of its people. I am the direct product of immigrants, both of my families came to the U.S. in the early twentieth century and you can't walk for five minutes through the city limits of Cleveland without seeing contributions made by immigrants, old and new. My families came here legally, being processed through Ellis Island and making lives for themselves and their future families in the industrial mid west, where the jobs were difficult, the pay little, and the reward a better life for future generations... sound familiar?

Illegal immigration is wrong, it's a crime, and those found guilty in a court of law of violating our countries immigration laws should be punished to the full extent; however, I have a serious disagreement with Arizona Senate Bill 1070 (the immigration bill).
I quote the fourth amendment above because it is the root of my anger towards the brilliant law makers in Arizona. Our country was founded on the principles of liberty and personal freedom. During our countries time as an English colony, British soldiers could enter a house, and violate personal freedoms on a whim, which is why the Bill of Rights were added to the Constitution, specifically amendments 4 and 5, so that the personal freedoms of American citizens would be protected.
The Arizona law is by no means the first time a group was denied its personal freedom through a legal act of our government. In the 1840's and 50's the Fugitive Slave Law allowed African American's to be captured from free states and sent to the South whether they were free men or were actually runaway slaves. Prior to this, African American's were only counted as 3/5's of a person so they could not be included in the legal protection of the Bill of Rights as well as the rest of the U.S. Constitution.
These are two small examples of the evils of slavery, which is the crown jewel of legalized American racism.
The twentieth century saw the internment of Asian American's along the West Coast during World War Two. This act was found to be so heinous that 40 years after the war the U.S. Supreme Court demanded the U.S. Government pay the individuals and their families reparations for their illegal incarceration.

Racism is America's original sin, more than just Black and White, we changed French Fries to "Freedom Fries" before the Iraq War, we called Hamburger's Salisbury Steak during both world wars to sound less German, Arab Americans are visually accosted by fellow travelers going through Air Ports after 9/11. And finally, a law enforcement officer can demand "The Papers" of anyone in Arizona who looks like an illegal immigrant!
We hold our personal liberties to be the back bone of our government, all you have to do is listen to the Tea Partiers (note I didn't say Tea Baggers, although I wanted to), they call for smaller less intrusive government to stay out of their way and let them spend their money and live their lives as they would like. I find this to be an interesting contradiction as the Arizona (Iced) Tea Party supports this legislation, further expressing their selfish nature and racist tendencies. Apparently smaller less intrusive government should only apply to white middle aged rich people, if you are a person of color or don't appear to have much personal wealth then it's okay for the government to over step their boundaries and be as intrusive as they want to be.

The fourth amendment of the constitution allows for each person to be considered innocent until proven guilty and allows them the right to avail themselves to our justice system. The Arizona law reverses this, now anyone who looks questionable can essentially be profiled and harassed by an officer of the law and the burden of proof is on the individual not the state to prove their residence, I refer to section 1 subsection b of the law:

This is a slippery slope our country is headed down, think about it this way as we take more steps to strengthen law enforcements ability to profile, the fourteen Militiamen in Michigan/Ohio/Indiana were white American's who ran around the woods playing with guns and plotting to kill police officers, should these three states make it legal for law enforcement officials to interrogate anyone who is white with a gun rack or firearms license...all three of these states have successful hunting seasons. Or perhaps law officers should be allowed to profile White Christians as Neo Nazi organizations are a threat to society and they often invoke Christian religion and symbols into their activities and writings.

In a time of global terrorism the question stands "where do personal liberties end and security begin?" America has always portrayed itself to be the moral example for the rest of the world, we over threw tyranny to give a voice to the people, we have fought and vanquished the evils of Hitler and Hirohito, we outlasted communism and brought down the Berlin Wall but yet we persecute our people at home in the name of security and safety. I quote Benjamin Franklin
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security". The immigration law in Arizona is wrong because it allows the state to deny basic rights to the people there, how long will it be until police are randomly stopping and harassing Latinos on the street because they can? When will Arizona begin to look like southern states prior to the Civil Rights Act? Any law that presupposes a persons guilt over their innocence is fundamentally un-American and therefore wrong! I believe immigration reform is needed and that illegal immigrants should be dealt with, but not at the expense of the Bill of Rights or personal freedoms; we have an obligation as the land of the free and the home of the brave to deal with the questions our country faces in a manor that preserves civil liberties and unalienable rights of our citizens, anything less than that and we loose our moral high ground. I look forward to the day when this law is stricken down in court for all of the reasons I have listed but also because, after all, in the summer I look Hispanic too.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day

You know, I think we in America shouldn't have to pay taxes. I hate having to pay for entitlement programs like medicare, medicaid, social security because all it does is benefit the 5 corrupt people who have scammed the system that I saw on Fox News. These programs have never had a positive impact on anyone, not my grandparents or your grandparents, or the working poor trying to make ends meet.
I mean, as an American it is my right to be absolutely selfish enough to demand my streets get plowed in the winter and the U.S. Army fight for my collective defense, but why should I have to pay for it? Damn that Obama guy for making me think about helping my neighbor, who does that? What is this socialist Europe? I believe America is at its ... See Morestrongest when Giant Corporations can rape and pillage their employees while growing the divide between rich and poor, have and have nots...through out history that has worked well, right France? Oh and go F'k yourself Tea Baggers and Glen Beck.

Let the die be cast...

The Rostra was a large platform built in the city of Rome that stood during the republican and imperial periods. Speakers would stand on the rostra and face the north side of the comitium towards the senate house and deliver orations to those assembled in between. It is often referred to as a suggestus or tribunal,the first form of which dates back to the Roman Kingdom, the Volcanal.
It derives its name from the six rostra (plural of rostrum, a warship's ram) which were captured during the victory at Antium in 338 BC and mounted to its side. Originally, the term meant a single structure located within the Comitium space near the Forum and usually associated with the Senate curia. It began to be referred to as the Rostra Vetera ("Elder Rostra") in the imperial age to distinguish it from other later platforms designed for similar purposes which took the name "Rostra" along with its builder's name or the person it honored.
Magistrates, politicians, advocates and other orators spoke to the assembled people of Rome from this highly honored, and elevated spot. Consecrated by the Augurs as a templum, the original Rostra was built as early as the 6th century B.C. This Rostra was replaced and enlarged a number of times but remained in the same site for centuries. - Wikipedia (so take it for what it is worth)
While I am not speaking to the masses (although I am going to Rome in July), I got tired of the character limits placed on me by Twitter and Facebook, so I have decided to piss off half my friends while agreeing with the other half here.
I promise this will not just be political, I may make other observations as well as tell funny stories (with the names changed to protect the innocent, or just so you don't know who I am ragging on). I hope you will read it and contribute, while engaging in an EDUCATED debate.