Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day

You know, I think we in America shouldn't have to pay taxes. I hate having to pay for entitlement programs like medicare, medicaid, social security because all it does is benefit the 5 corrupt people who have scammed the system that I saw on Fox News. These programs have never had a positive impact on anyone, not my grandparents or your grandparents, or the working poor trying to make ends meet.
I mean, as an American it is my right to be absolutely selfish enough to demand my streets get plowed in the winter and the U.S. Army fight for my collective defense, but why should I have to pay for it? Damn that Obama guy for making me think about helping my neighbor, who does that? What is this socialist Europe? I believe America is at its ... See Morestrongest when Giant Corporations can rape and pillage their employees while growing the divide between rich and poor, have and have nots...through out history that has worked well, right France? Oh and go F'k yourself Tea Baggers and Glen Beck.

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